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North Carolina Library Association

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community & junior college libraries

Purpose: To unite North Carolina Library Association members interested in community and junior college libraries; to provide an opportunity for discussion and activity; to seek to fulfill the objectives of the North Carolina Library Association.


Board Members 2023-2025

Dana Glauner, Chair - South Piedmont CC

Laurie Robb, Vice-Chair/Chair Elect- Rowan-Cabarrus CC

Tim Hunter, Past Chair- Rowan-Cabarrus CC

Jenny Thomas, Secretary/Treasurer- Randolph CC

Dr. Cara McConnell, Director - Johnston Community College

Maria Luisa Saldarriaga-Osorio, Director- Surry Community College

The Future of Community College Spaces - Renovation Gallery

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FTCC Study rooms

Latest Webinars

With the increasing numbers of Early College (EC) and Career and College Promise (CCP) students on community college campuses, now is the time to reboot your selection and reconsideration policy. In 2021, there were 729 challenges to library, school, and university materials, the most challenges since the Office of Intellectual Freedom began tracking them in 2000. This session will cover the critical elements for creating an effective and comprehensive written policy for dealing with challenges and reconsideration requests. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with colleagues in actively critiquing existing policies.

It’s in the headlines every day. Libraries are forced to defend their mission of intellectual freedom. Are you prepared? Learn what intellectual freedom means to a community college library and best practices for staff when confronted with a concern or challenge.

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265 Eastchester Dr.

Suite 133, #364

High Point, NC 27262

North Carolina Library Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


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