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North Carolina Library Association

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NCLA Distinguished Service Awards

This award is presented every two years, or when deemed appropriate, to a member of the Association who has made significant contributions to the profession. Criteria include distinguished service to North Carolina, significant service or other professional contributions provided during either a short or long span of time, and service resulting in a regional or national impact on librarianship in general. Nominees may include librarians, paraprofessionals and other professionals in the profession and can be awarded posthumously.

Honorary Memberships

Honorary memberships are presented to lay citizens who have made outstanding contributions to the development of libraries and library programs in the state.

Life Memberships

Life Memberships are given to retired librarians whose contributions to the state and the profession were especially notable.

Ray Moore Award

The Ray Moore Award is presented to the author of the best article about public librarianship published in North Carolina Libraries during the preceding biennium

Section Awards

Marilyn Miller Award for Professional Commitment, Women's Issues in Librarianship Roundtable
College & University Section Student Scholarships Awards
The Query-Long Scholarship for work with children or young adults
The William H. Roberts Public Library Distinguished Service Award, Public Library Section
Meralyn G Meadows Scholarship, NC Library Paraprofessional Association
Round Table for Ethnic Minority Concerns Roadbuilder Award
Constance Hill Marteena Diversity Award, Round Table for Ethnic Minority Concerns


Every two years, NCLA awards several scholarships at the biennial conference. Scholarships are awarded to students accepted to or already attending library school, as well as practicing librarians wishing to further their studies.  Applicants must be North Carolina residents for a minimum of two years and already been accepted to library school.  Academic excellence, potential for leadership, commitment to service and to librarianship in North Carolina, financial need, and at least two letters of recommendation will all be considered.

  • THE APPALACHIAN SCHOLARSHIP is a scholarship awarded to a library science student who plans to be a school library media specialist in NC. The recipient must be accepted or currently enrolled in a graduate library science school of education media program approved for certification by the NC State Board of Education.
  • THE QUERY – LONG SCHOLARSHIP for work with children or young adults.

The scholarship application period is February 1st through May 31st of the conference year.  Application and recommendation forms are reviewed by the Scholarship Committee in June and July.  Scholarship award winners are notified in August and announced at the annual conference in October.  

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265 Eastchester Dr.

Suite 133, #364

High Point, NC 27262

North Carolina Library Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


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