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North Carolina Library Association

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Executive board

The North Carolina Library Association has an executive board that is responsible for ensuring the organization stays focused on its mission and meets its strategic goals. The board meets quarterly to share information and make decisions for how the organization should move forward. More information regarding the board can be found in the Executive Board Handbook.

Meeting Motions, Reports & Minutes

For Board Members:

Add an event to the calendar or request a zoom meeting

Submit an agenda item, motion, or report
Forms (check order, reimbursements, etc)

Speaker contract

Elected Roles

To contact us, please use this contact us form.

Role  Name
 President Dawn Behrend
 Vice President/President-Elect Lara Luck
 Past President Libby Stone
 Secretary Jonathan Furr
 Treasurer Kate Engelbrecht
Mark Sanders
 Regional Director Eastern (2021-2025)
Jennifer Daugherty
 Regional Director Central/Triangle (2021-2025)
Wanda Brown
 Regional Director Piedmont (2023-2027) Kathy Shields
 Regional Director Western (2023-2027) Breanne Crumptom
 ALA Council, American Library Association (2021-2025) Siobhan Loendorf
 SELA Representative, Southeast Library Association (2021-2025) Lorrie Russell


To contact us, please use this contact us form.

Section Chair Name
 Association of College and Research Libraries - NC Chapter Breanne Crumpton
 Business Librarian in North Carolina Nancy Lovas
 Community and Junior College Libraries Dana Glauner
 Government Resources
David Durant
 Leadership, Administration and Management
Amy Harris Houk
 Legislative and Advocacy
Elizabeth Ellis and Morgan Pruitt 
Michelle Osborne
 NC Library Paraprofessional Association
La-Nita Williams
 New Members
Adrian Zeck
 Public Libraries
Carrie Lee
 Reference and Adult Services
Velappan Velappan
 Resources and Technical Services
Lisa Barricella
 Roundtable Ethic & Minority Concerns Carlos Grooms
 Special Collections
Kathelene Smith
 STEM Librarianship in NC
Denice Lewis
 Technology and Trends
Nora Burmeister
 Women in Libraries
Kate Budries
 Youth Services
Amanda Weaver


To contact us, please use this contact us form.

The President shall, with the advice of the Executive Board, appoint the editor of North Carolina Libraries and all committee chairs. 

Committee Chair Name
 Archives Pamela Mason
 Conference see Vice President
 Constitution, Codes and Handbook Revision Lorrie Russell
 Development Michael Crumpton
 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Christin Lampkowski and Breanne Crumpton
 Editor, NC Libraries
Joseph Thomas
Paul Birkhead
 Intellectual Freedom
Anne Mavian
 Leadership Institute
Joel Ferndon
Brittany Clinkscales
 Membership see Regional Directors
 Nominating see Past President
 Scholarships Katy Henderson
 Special Libraries  Molly Goldston
 Web & Technologies Support Samantha Harlow
 Wellbeing  Jenneffer Sixkiller
 NCLA Administrative Assistant Christine Wei
 State Librarian (Ex Officio) Michelle Underhill
 NC Public Library Directors Association (NCPLDA) Liaison Rishara Finsel
 NC School Library Media Association (NCSLMA) Liaison Delandrus Seales

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265 Eastchester Dr.

Suite 133, #364

High Point, NC 27262

North Carolina Library Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


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