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North Carolina Library Association

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roundtable on ethnic and minority concerns

Roundtable on Ethnic and Minority Concerns (REMCo) is a section of the North Carolina Library Association that serves as a voice for ethnic and minority members. REMCo strives to improve service to and in some cases even initiate service for the ethnic communities that we all serve. It is overseen by the action of an Executive Board elected to two-year terms.


  • Encourage and support North Carolina libraries desiring to promote and positively reflect ethnic cultures in their respective collections.
  • Cooperate with other organizations and agencies, particularly those that focus on ethnic minority issues in North Carolina libraries.
  • Ensure that you have access to a network of colleagues interested in ethnic minority librarianship in North Carolina.
  • Offer you discounted rates for the Association’s biennial conference and REMCo events.
  • Inform you about important news through the REMCo newsletter, list serve and the website
  • Voting privileges in REMCo elections
  • Opportunities to serve on REMCo offices, committees and task forces.


  • To unite in this group North Carolina Library Association members interested in ethnic minority issues in North Carolina libraries;
  • To provide an opportunity for discussion and activity of ethnic minority issues in North Carolina libraries;
  • To monitor the practices and policies of recruitment and career advancement of minorities in North Carolina;
  • To serve as a resource for those North Carolina libraries desiring to positively reflect ethnic cultures in their respective collection;
  • To provide a network for ethnic minority librarians in North Carolina;
  • To seek to fulfill the objectives of the North Carolina Library Association; and
  • To serve as a liaison for local and national ethnic communities and organizations.

For more details on the Constance Hill Marteena Diversity Award, please click here.

Board Members

Carlos Grooms, North Carolina A&T State University 

Vice-Chair/Chair Elect


Candace Jacobs, University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Joan Hill, Winston Salem State University 


Social Media and Website Director
Ciera Williams, Durham County Library

Past Chair 

Brittany N. Champion, Furman University

Donate to the Constance Hill Marteena Diversity Award

Goal: $800.00
Collected: $0.00
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*Donate to Constance Hill Mareteena Diversity Award

REMCo Statement Condemning Police Brutality and Racism against African Americans and People of Color

The Roundtable for Ethnic Minority Concerns (REMCo) is a section of the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) that serves as a voice for ethnic and minority members. We, the Executive Board of REMCo, are using our voice to condemn the death of George Floyd at the direct hands of an officer and the inaction of three officers with the Minneapolis Police Department. We echo the statement of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA) and encourage REMCo members in using their voices and platforms to speak out against the institutionalized racism, hatred, and violence that have resulted in the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many Black Americans, Indigenous people, and people of color.

Click here for additional REMCo resources

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265 Eastchester Dr.

Suite 133, #364

High Point, NC 27262

North Carolina Library Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


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